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首页/ 贸易投资/ 海外投资
发布时间:2018-11-14 发布者:管理员













  费率:标准化率。 改善费率关系





Roads and highways

  Argentina launched a nationwide plan to renovate and operate existing roads and develop new ones. PPP framework

  Construction Plan Description:

  → 2,800 km motorways

  → 4,000 km safe roads

  Period & Area Extension: 15 years & 7,277 km

  → Stage 2: Publications of calls for tender H2 in 2018

  → Stage 3: Publications of calls for tender H1 in 2019

  Description: capacity extension and resurfacing

  Regulatory Settings: new law (27,328)

  Contractor responsibility: construction, maintenance and financing

  Operation & Maintenance: income via users vs expenses

  Contractor Income: tolls and gas oil tax

  Rates: rate standardization. Improvement in rate relations
