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Promoting Economic and Trade Cooperation by Promising Friendship Provinces, "One Belt, One Road" Investment and Trade Delegation of CCPIT Hubei Entering Poland

  Taking Friendship Provinces as a bridge to promote economic and trade cooperation, the 2024 "One Belt, One Road" Investment and Trade delegation of CCPIT Hubei went into Poland from May 16th to 18th. The delegation carried out a series of economic and trade activities in the twin capital cities Bydgoszcz and Toruń of Kujawsko-pomorskie,as well as the capital city of Poland, Warsaw. Local industrial and commercial circles of the above three places warmly welcomed CCPIT Hubei delegation.

  After landing at Warsaw Airport on the morning of 16th, the delegation took a bus and went straight to Bydgoszcz Industrial Park.In the park,Zbigniew Ostrowski,Deputy Governor of Kujawsko-pomorskie region, led the Economic Development Bureau of Kujawsko-pomorskie and the Management Committee of Bydgoszcz Industrial Park to extend a warm welcome to the delegation and to express his gratitude to Hubei for the support given to Kujawsko-pomorskie during the epidemic.He said that since the establishment of friendly provincial relations between Hubei Province and Kujawsko-pomorskie region in 2011, the two sides have become increasingly close in economic and trade cooperation, and he himself visited Hubei in 2016, leaving precious memories.He expects the two provinces to further strengthen the docking of advantageous industries and form more cooperative achievements.

  Shi Minghui, Deputy president of CCPIT Hubei, introduced that the two sides have been maintaining close economic and trade exchanges and frequent high-level visits between two sides relying on the relationship of friendly provinces.

  Governor Piotr Calbecki used to visited Hubei in October last year.He exchanged views with representatives of Hubei's new energy automobile, healthcare and other advantageous industries, and invited Hubei enterprises to visit Kujawsko-pomorskie. CCPIT Hubei organized economic and trade delegation to visit Poland, it is also a fulfill to the promised visit of friendly provinces.

  Afterwards, accompanied by the person in charge of the park, members of the delegation visited the whole park by bus, learned the details of construction, industrial layout and future development plan of the park,exchanged views on issues of land price, water and electricity taxes and fees in the park.

  The delegation went to Torun after Leaving the industrial park. CCPIT Hubei, together with Economic Development Bureau of Kujawsko-pomorskie and Torun Chamber of Commerce and Industry, jointly organized the "2024 Hubei China – Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region Trade and Investment Seminar in the In the meeting room of Kujawsko-pomorskie.

  After promotions of two sides,entrepreneurs carried out one-on-one B2B matchmaking in accordance with the Matchmaking Table of Cooperate Intention, and the number of matchmaking sessions amounted to more than 20. Hubei Zhongsheng Electric Co., Ltd, Hubei Tri-ring Forging CO.,LTD, Yidu Huiyi Ceramics, Hubei AVIC Navigation Development Co., Ltd., Wuhan World Trade Exhibitions Service Co.,Ltd. and many other enterprises and the Polish side had reach a preliminary intention of cooperation.

  On May 17th, "2024 China (Hubei) – Poland Business meeting" was held as scheduled in the conference room of the Polish Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw.Mr. Xu Xiaofeng, Counselor of the Economic and Commercial Office of the Chinese Embassy in Poland, Mr. Guo Peidong, Secretary General of the Polish-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Piechocinski, President of the Polish-Asian Chamber of Commerce, Ms.Marlena Miasko, Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Katowice, Mr.Jan Rogowski, Representative of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency, delivered speeches in turn.

  Mr.Shi Minghui introduced situation and key cooperative industries of Hubei province. Mr. Hu Qinghua, Vice President of CCPIT Jingmen, made a special promotion of Jingmen industries. Counselor Xu Xiaofeng said that this year is the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Poland. as one of the fast developing and economically active countries in Europe, Poland is China's largest trading partner in Central and Eastern Europe.Hubei Changfei Optical Fiber and Tri-ring Group have already invested in Poland, and more Hubei enterprises are welcomed to do business in Poland. The Economic and Commercial Office of the Chinese Embassy in Poland wil provide support for the development of enterprises' international operations as done in the past,

  Shi Minghui introduced in his speech that Poland, as the fastest growing and most economically active country in Central and Eastern Europe, is developing into a unique electric vehicle industry cluster by virtue of its stable economy, geographic location in the center of Europe, and many other advantages. The automobile industry is one of the pillar industries in Hubei Province, and new energy and intelligent networked vehicles are one of the five advantageous industries in Hubei, which is focusing on building a world-class industrial cluster and making breakthroughs in development, with a complete industrial chain and strong innovation capability. Both sides have different advantages in market size and resource endowment, strong industrial complementarity and broad development prospects. It is hoped that with this docking meeting as an opportunity, entrepreneurs from both sides will conduct extensive and in-depth exchanges, deepen practical cooperation, and promote the solid development of international cooperation in automobile industry, aviation service industry and other fields.

  During the visit to Poland, the delegation also paid a visit to the Polish Chinese Business Board, and carried out in-depth exchanges on deepening economic and trade cooperation between China and Poland. The delegation also visited the Poland China Mart to understand the market operation and development prospect of local Chinese commodities.

  this business trip not only promotes the friendly provincial relationship between Hubei Province and Kujawsko-pomorskie, but also injects a new impetus for further cooperation between the two sides in economy and trade. CCPIT Hubei will continue to play the unique advantages of connecting government and enterprises, integration of internal and external, smooth supply and demand, and increase the "go out" work efforts to promote the two provinces' relationship,to cultivate more fruitful fruits of friendly exchanges, and strive to contribute to the Hubei's high-quality construction of the "One Belt, One Road".
